Artist - Louise Bourgeois
Artwork: Sainte Sebastienne
Keyword: Standing
Artist - Ai Wei Wei
Artwork: Rooted Upon
Keyword: Strange
Birds eye view of model. Image shows the gallery space featuring Ai Wei Wei 's artwork, Rooted Upon. Also visible in the image is the above ground studio of Artist 1 - Louise Bourgeois.
The third image shows a cross section of a staircase. This staircase allows the artist to travel from the gallery space or ground level to their studio above.
Texure: Lustrous
To make the above ground studio stand out from its surrounding, i decided to use loustrous texture its surfaces. Another reason i used the loutrous texture is because the studio surfaces are flat. The work flat reminds me of smooth and the word smooth them reminds me of something shiny and therefore lustrous is used.
Texture: Grainy
The texture grainy is used on the exterior of one of the gallery spaces. The gallery space is placed on ground level. From the word ground, the word gravel comes in mind and so the grainy texture is for the gallery space.
Texture: Irregular
I used the irregular texture to the spiral staircase in the below ground studio. The keywork for the studio is strange. The design of the studio is also strange by itself due it its unique design and irregular walls, so to make the staircase fit in with the theme of 'strange' I desided to use the irregular texture.
Camera orbits around the model showing the gallery space and above ground studio and also the textures used in the model.
Video shows cross sections of model (gallery space, above ground studio and below ground studio)
Video Shows cases. First staircaise is the spiral staircase from the below ground studio going up to ground level. The second staircase in the video is from ground level going up to the above ground studio.
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